B2B Online Advertising Strategies to Drive Targeted Leads and Boost Sales

Using online advertising to generate more leads

Your business will receive a tailor-made paid advertising funnel generating regular new leads.

Search Advertising
We have tons of experience with Search Advertising on platforms such as Google and Bing, meaning your company gets seen when customers search for your services.
Paid Media Advertising
Using platforms such as LinkedIn or Facebook and Instagram, we will create highly effective lead generating campaigns.
Landing Page Design
We will create bespoke landing pages for your business that are proven to convert online traffic into leads.
Data driven
We test and refine our online adverting to generate the best results. A reasonable budget along with A-B Testing give us the highest chance of success in our online advertising campaigns.
All Platforms
200k in revenue from a 6k spend
Nick Richards
Managing Director, Computer Geeks

Start with Bravura in less than 7 days


Agree ideal customer profile and qualifying criteria


Defining the value proposition for your company


Create Award Winning Campaigns

First-party intent data is information we collect directly from your website visitors based on their behaviour, such as the pages they view, time spent, or actions taken. This data helps us understand their interests and intent to purchase. By combining this with our online advertising campaigns and landing page strategies, we can pinpoint which companies are actively searching for your services. This allows us to target ads more effectively and provide you with valuable insights into the businesses engaging with your brand, helping you focus on high-potential leads.

We often hear this, and it’s understandable. Running Google Ads effectively requires a deep understanding of campaign strategies. There could be several reasons why your ads aren’t delivering results:

  1. Campaigns not set up correctly: Your keywords might not be specific enough or focused on high-intent terms. If your ads are showing to the wrong audience, the results will reflect that.
  2. Limited budget: Successful campaigns require testing and optimisation, which can be limited by a small budget. Without enough resources, it’s hard to refine your strategy for success.
  3. Overcomplicated campaigns: We frequently inherit Google Ads accounts that have been managed by third parties with too many strategies running simultaneously. This scattergun approach dilutes focus. At Bravura Digital, we emphasise A-B testing and refining specific tactics to achieve better, more consistent results.

LinkedIn Advertising can be highly effective when used strategically. At Bravura Digital, we can help you target a list of your high-priority customers with tailored ads to raise brand awareness. By showing these key prospects ads on LinkedIn, we can "warm them up" before your Sales Team reaches out via phone, email, or LinkedIn message. This method not only familiarises them with your brand but also increases their likelihood of engaging positively when contacted. This pre-engagement approach ensures your outreach feels more relevant and personalised, leading to better results and stronger connections with your potential clients.

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Ads Pro


Part-time Marketing Professional

  • 10 Hours
  • Fully Managed Service
  • Reporting
  • Integrated with your CRM

Ads Custom


Contact our team for a Custom Plan for your team.

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