Bravura Digital Marketing Blog

How to use Cost Per Lead (CPL) as a metric in B2B Marketing Reporting?

Written by Luke Doyle | Oct 31, 2023 1:57:01 PM

How often are you really looking into the data your marketing is producing? Because understanding the metrics that drive your success is essential. And one such crucial metric for business owners and B2B marketing managers is Cost Per Lead (CPL).

In this comprehensive guide, we first dive deep into the concept of CPL, how to measure it effectively, its benefits and the challenges it presents. However, we'll also look at other key metrics to consider in your marketing efforts. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on this journey to demystify CPL!

What is a Cost Per Lead?

Well, a Cost Per Lead, commonly referred to as CPL is simply a metric that tells you how much it costs to acquire a lead for your business. Leads are individuals or companies that have shown interest in your products or services by taking a specific action, such as filling out a contact form, subscribing to a newsletter, or downloading an e-book (you know those “free” guides that are actually just hiding the fact we want your email address to start selling to you 😂).

How Do We Measure It?

Well, measuring CPL involves a straightforward calculation:

CPL = Total Marketing Costs / Total Number of Leads Generated

So, let's break it down with an example. If you spend £1,000 on marketing efforts and, as a result, generate 50 leads, your CPL would be:

CPL = £1,000 / 50 = £20 per lead

Calculating your CPL regularly can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. It's important to measure both CPL for your individual campaigns as well as your holistic marketing efforts. In turn, this will help you identify what campaigns have performed and which you should chuck next time!

There is a difference between Cost Per Lead and Cost Per Acquisition, however you should measure both to get a full picture of your marketing performance. Ultimately, these insights can help you reduce costs, improve performance and educate your team on what works and what doesn't.


Benefits of Measuring Average CPL in Reporting

Now that we've got the basics down let's explore why measuring CPL is essential and the benefits it brings to the table.

Cost Efficiency:

Knowing your CPL allows you to allocate your marketing budget more effectively. You can identify which channels or campaigns provide the most cost-efficient leads and optimise your resources accordingly.

ROI Assessment:

CPL is a critical component in determining the return on investment (ROI) for your marketing efforts. By tracking CPL, you can measure the revenue generated from your leads and assess the profitability of your campaigns.

Targeted Marketing:

Understanding CPL helps you identify your most valuable customer segments. By focusing on the channels that yield the lowest CPL, you can tailor your marketing strategies to reach your ideal audience more effectively.

Data-Driven Decisions:

You've probably heard the saying, "Marketing without data is like driving with your eyes closed"? Well, CPL data empowers you to make data-driven decisions. You can fine-tune your marketing strategies based on actual numbers, leading to better outcomes and higher conversion rates.

Challenges When Measuring CPL

While CPL is a valuable metric, it's not without its challenges. Let's explore some of the hurdles you might encounter when measuring CPL.

Attribution Complexity:

Determining which marketing touchpoints contributed to a lead can be challenging. The customer journey is often nonlinear, making it difficult to attribute a lead solely to one channel.

Quality vs. Quantity:

A low CPL doesn't always equate to high-quality leads. You may attract many leads, but if they don't convert into paying customers, your CPL may not reflect the true value of your marketing efforts.

Data Accuracy:

Accurate data collection and reporting are vital for CPL calculations. Inaccurate data can lead to misleading CPL figures and misguided marketing decisions.



What is a Good CPL for Small Businesses?

A good CPL varies by industry and marketing channel, however a good benchmark to consider is whether the CPL is below £200. If so, then that tends to suggest a good cost per lead for your campaign. You can of course continue to work on reducing the CPL as you improve performance.

Below are some estimated CPLs by industry as of October 2023.


Average CPL

Media & Publishing


Marketing Agency




Industrial & Manufacturing


Financial Services


Business Services



How Often Should I Calculate CPL?

It's recommended to calculate CPL regularly, at least monthly, to track changes and make timely adjustments to your marketing strategies. It's especially important to measure CPL against campaign level efforts.

Can a CPL Over £200 Still Be Beneficial?

Absolutely, whilst a low CPL is generally preferred, a high CPL can be beneficial if the leads generated are of high quality and are more likely to convert into high-paying customers. In this case, use the power of market segmentation and assign appropriate CPL to your campaigns.

What Tools Can Help Me Measure CPL Effectively?

CRM tools like HubSpot, Google Analytics, and marketing automation platforms certainly can assist in measuring CPL accurately. However, we'll cover a bit more about HubSpot later on. We also help customers use a Lead Generation tool which has helped to significantly reduce CPL for many of our clients. Get in touch.

How Do I Improve my CPL?

Firstly, focus on optimising your marketing campaigns and targeting the right audience. Secondly, continuously analyse and adjust your strategies for better efficiency. We focus on optimising "Product Market Fit" and "Message Market Fit" to improve results at Bravura Digital.

Other Key Metrics to Report On

While CPL is a critical metric, it's not the only one that should be on your radar. Let's briefly touch on other key metrics to consider in your marketing reporting.

Referral Traffic:

Understanding where your leads are coming from can help you allocate resources effectively, so take the time to analyse referral sources to identify high-performing channels. Understanding the origins of your website's visitors is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Identifying High-Performing Channels: You can pinpoint which external sources send the most visitors to your site by tracking referral traffic. This information lets you focus your efforts on channels that provide the best results.
  2. Building Strategic Partnerships: When you know which websites or platforms are driving traffic to your site, you can explore potential partnerships or collaborations. Therefore, this can lead to mutually beneficial relationships that expand your online presence.
  3. Content Insights: Analysing referral traffic can reveal which types of content are resonating with your audience on external platforms. You can then tailor your content strategy to create more of what's working.
  4. Effective Link Building: For SEO purposes, backlinks from reputable sources are highly valuable. So tracking referral traffic helps you identify sites that are linking to your content, allowing you to nurture these relationships for SEO benefits.


Making the Most of Referral Traffic

Incorporating referral traffic analysis into your marketing strategy can provide valuable insights and opportunities for growth. Here are some tips to make the most of it:

  • Diversify Your Sources: Don't rely on a single referral source. Explore different platforms and websites to broaden your reach.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Focus on high-quality referral sources that align with your target audience and industry.
  • Engagement Matters: Once visitors arrive via referral traffic, engage with them through compelling content, clear calls to action, and user-friendly website design.
  • Regular Monitoring: Continuously monitor and analyse your referral traffic data to adapt and optimise your strategy as needed.

Referral traffic is a compass that guides your digital marketing voyage. Embrace it as a valuable tool in your analytics arsenal, and use it to navigate the ever-evolving seas of the online world. Understanding and harnessing the power of referral traffic can lead to new horizons and opportunities for your business's digital success.

New Business vs. Existing Customers:

Understanding the differences between new prospects and existing customers is like recognising the difference between newcomers and loyal patrons in a bustling restaurant. Each group has distinct needs, expectations, and behaviours, and catering to them effectively can be the key to culinary (or marketing) success.

New Prospects are individuals or companies who have recently engaged with your business but have yet to make a purchase or commit to a significant action. They are like diners who've just entered your restaurant, curious but not yet fully invested.

Existing Customers, on the other hand, are those who have already experienced the value of your products or services and have chosen to return. They are your loyal patrons who appreciate the quality of your offerings. (Trusting that you deliver a remarkable service!).

The Significance of Segmentation

Segmenting your leads into these two categories certainly offers several noteworthy advantages:

  1. Tailored Messaging: By distinguishing between new prospects and existing customers, you can craft marketing messages that resonate with each group. New prospects may need more introduction and education about your offerings, while existing customers may respond better to loyalty incentives or personalised offers.
  2. Customer Retention: Focusing on existing customers allows you to nurture these relationships and enhance customer loyalty. Retaining existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.
  3. Optimised Campaigns: Segmentation enables you to allocate your marketing budget wisely. You can allocate resources more efficiently by concentrating on the segment that offers the most potential for conversion.
  4. Personalisation: Personalisation is a cornerstone of effective marketing. When you know whether you're dealing with new prospects or existing customers, you can customise your communications to address their specific needs and preferences.


Making the Most of Segmentation

To harness the benefits of segmenting your leads into new prospects and existing customers, consider the following tips:

  • Data Management: Invest in robust CRM systems to accurately track and manage lead categories.
  • Content Personalisation: Create content that speaks directly to each group's needs and interests. Use email marketing and website personalisation to deliver tailored experiences.
  • Engagement Strategies: Develop engagement strategies that encourage new prospects to take the next step in their journey while rewarding and retaining existing customers.
  • Feedback Loops: Maintain open channels of communication with both groups to gather feedback and continuously improve your offerings.

In conclusion, segmenting your leads into new prospects and existing customers is akin to having a well-organised kitchen in a restaurant. It enables you to craft personalised experiences, optimise your marketing efforts, and, ultimately, savour the fruits of customer retention.

By understanding and embracing the nuances of these two distinct groups, you can navigate the complex world of digital marketing with finesse, ensuring a delightful experience for all your "diners."


Using Hubspot to Record Information

Utilising Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools like HubSpot can streamline lead tracking, making it easier to measure CPL and other vital metrics. And in the land of modern marketing, the ability to gather, organise, and harness data is just like having a finely tuned instrument.

HubSpot, a robust CRM tool, serves as that instrument, allowing you to chart the course of your marketing efforts with accuracy and efficiency.

It offers a suite of tools for lead tracking, customer engagement, and data management and acts as a digital command centre, bringing all your marketing activities under one roof. Interested in implementing Hubspot? Get in touch here.


Streamlining Lead Tracking

One of HubSpot's primary functions is lead tracking. It captures data on the interactions your leads have with your brand, from website visits and form submissions to email opens and click-through rates. Here's how it streamlines the process:

  1. Unified Data: HubSpot consolidates lead data from various touchpoints into a single, coherent profile. This holistic view allows you to understand your leads' behaviour comprehensively.
  2. Automation: HubSpot automates repetitive tasks, such as lead scoring and lead nurturing. This ensures that leads are engaged with the right content at the right time, increasing the chances of conversion.
  3. Personalisation: Using the data gathered, HubSpot lets you personalise your marketing efforts. You can send tailored messages and offers to leads based on their preferences and actions.
  4. Reporting and Analytics: HubSpot provides robust reporting and analytics tools, making it easier to measure CPL, conversion rates, and other critical metrics. It transforms raw data into actionable insights.


The HubSpot Advantage

While using HubSpot offers a multitude of advantages, it's essential to consider some key points:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: HubSpot's user-friendly interface makes it accessible to marketing teams of all sizes. You certainly don't need to be a tech expert to navigate its features.
  2. Scalability: HubSpot is scalable, allowing you to adapt your CRM system as your business grows. You can start with the basics and expand your usage over time.
  3. Integration: HubSpot integrates seamlessly with various other marketing tools and platforms, enhancing its versatility.
  4. Training and Support: HubSpot offers comprehensive training and support resources, including webinars, documentation, and a dedicated customer support team.

Utilising CRM tools like HubSpot is like equipping your ship with state-of-the-art navigation equipment. It streamlines lead tracking, empowers data-driven decision-making, and enhances the efficiency of your marketing campaigns.

While it's not without its considerations, its advantages make it a valuable asset for businesses aiming to navigate the intricate seas of digital marketing successfully. So, confidently set your sails, knowing that HubSpot will guide you on your marketing voyage.



In conclusion, understanding and effectively measuring the key metrics we've looked at here is fundamental to the success of your B2B marketing campaign. It empowers you to make informed decisions, optimise your marketing budget, and ultimately drive more conversions.

So, the next time you evaluate your marketing efforts, remember the significance of CPL, Referral Traffic and New Business vs. Existing Customers and use them as a compass to guide your journey towards more successful marketing.

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